Feb 16 2025
The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.
You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.
If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.
What’s your favorite snack combination that other people think is weird?
Why should I have a heart for god’s house?
Ephesians 4:15-16, Psalm 34:8
Key Takeaways—
Being grafted into a church family helps believers get and stay spiritually healthy
Church involvement allows for personal growth through mentorship and guidance
Active participation in church fills believers with love
Having a "heart for the house" involves contributing time, talent, and treasure to the church
Recurring giving helps support the church's mission and outreach efforts
Discussion Questions—
Pastor Doug used the analogy of grafting fruit trees. How does this relate to our spiritual growth within the church?
How might viewing ourselves as being 'grafted' into God's family change our perspective on church involvement and spiritual growth?
Why is it important to not only "get healthy" spiritually but also to "stay healthy"? Share experiences of times when you've felt spiritually healthy and times when you've struggled.
The message mentioned that only 6% of people achieve health goals independently. How does this statistic apply to our spiritual lives? Why is community so crucial for our faith journey?
Reflect on a time when a mentor or church leader helped you grow in your faith. How did their guidance impact you?
How can we ensure that we're not just 'consuming' at church, but actively pouring into others and helping them grow in their faith?
Pastor Doug talked about loving people even when we don't naturally like them. Why is this important in a church setting? How can we practically show love to those we find difficult?
How does giving (time, talent, treasure) reflect our heart for God's house? Discuss any hesitations or challenges you face in this area.
In what ways can being part of a church family help us overcome personal struggles that we might fail to address on our own?
Practical application—
Commit to a specific way you'll "graft" yourself more deeply into the church family this week (e.g., signing up for Start to join a serve team, attending a small group consistantly, setting up recurring giving).
Closing Prayer—
Thank You Lord for this time together, for the conversations we’ve had, and for the ways You are growing us. We pray that You would continue to deepen our love for You and for Your house. Help us to be people who not only receive but also give our time, our talents, and our hearts to serve and build up Your church. In Jesus name, Amen.