Feb 9 2025
The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.
You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.
If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Acts 2:42, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Proverbs 27:17
Key Takeaways—
The early church model in Acts shows believers devoted to fellowship, learning, and praying together
Small groups provide support during life's battles and hardships
Fellowship (koinonia) is about sharing life together, including the good, bad, and ugly
Community provides protection, healing, and encouragement.
Iron sharpens iron - we need others to help us grow and refine our faith
Like Redwood trees, we need to be connected to others to stand strong
Being planted in the house of the Lord allows us to flourish
Discussion Questions—
How has being part of a community or small group impacted your faith journey?
Reflect on Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Can you share a time when having someone "reach out and help" made a significant difference in your life?
Acts 2:42 describes how the early believers devoted themselves to fellowship. What does "devoted" mean to you in this context, and how can we cultivate that level of commitment in our relationships today?
The Greek word for fellowship is "koinonia", emphasizing relational intimacy. How comfortable are you with being vulnerable and authentic in your relationships? What makes this challenging?
Proverbs 27:17 talks about iron sharpening iron. How have you experienced this kind of "sharpening" in your relationships? Was it comfortable or uncomfortable?
In small groups we are able to find support especially during difficult times. How can we create a safe space for people to share their struggles within our group?
Pastor Karl used the analogy of Redwood trees to illustrate the importance of being connected. In what areas of your life do you feel you need more "root connections" with others?
What is one specific way you can prioritize Christian fellowship this week? How do you think it will impact your spiritual life?
What steps can we take as a group to invite and include others who might be feeling isolated or disconnected?
Practical application—
To close your group, share one area of your life where you're currently struggling or need prayer. Practice supporting one another through listening and prayer.
Closing Prayer—
Lord, we are grateful for the gift of community and the opportunity to grow closer to You and to one another. You created us for fellowship, and we ask that You deepen our connections, not just here in this group, but in every area of our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.