Oct 6 2024

The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.

You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.

If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.


What’s a fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?




Matthew 16:21-24, Matthew 16:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18,

Key Takeaways—

  • Relational vampires are individuals who drain our emotional and spiritual energy, often leaving us feeling exhausted and depleted.

  • This week’s message addresses how to love people who try to control us, while also recognizing our own tendencies to control others or situations.

  • Controlling people often use threats and guilt to manipulate others.

  • Jesus demonstrated how to handle controlling behavior by staying focused on His calling and drawing clear boundaries.

  • People-pleasing can be a form of idolatry when we prioritize others' opinions over God's calling.

    Discussion Questions—

  1. Have you ever encountered someone in your life who felt like a "relational vampire"? How did it affect you?

  2. What specific traits or behaviors do you think characterize a relational vampire?

  3. How do you typically respond when someone tries to control you? Do you tend to give in or push back?

  4. Pastor Stephanie mentioned that "every controlling person has someone who allows it." How have you seen this play out in relationships you've observed or experienced?

  5. What does it mean to you to "know what you are called to do"? How clear are you on your current calling?

  6. How can we distinguish between godly counsel and attempts to control us?

  7. What are some healthy ways to draw boundaries with controlling people while still showing love?

Practical Application—

Reflect on your current season of life. Write down what you believe God is calling you to focus on right now.

Closing Prayer—

Lord, help us to surrender control to You alone. Give us wisdom to recognize our true calling and courage to draw healthy boundaries. Teach us to love others without enabling dysfunction. May we find freedom in following You rather than trying to control our lives or others. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Oct 13 2024