Nov 17 2024
The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.
You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.
If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Exponential part 2 | right time, Right place
Ecclesiastes 9:11, John 5:1
Key Takeaways—
We all have "seed" in the form of our time, talent, and treasure.
God wants us to sow our seed in the right spaces, places, and times.
Our attitude and response to God's call are as important as the act of sowing
We should focus on preparing ourselves and working on our craft while waiting for God's timing
Tithing and generous giving are important aspects of trusting God with our resources
God will ask for an account of how we stewarded these resources
Being in the right place at the right time with the right response allows God to do exponential work in our lives.
Discussion Questions—
Pastor Doug mentioned three types of "seed" we all have: time, talent, and treasure. How do you currently use each of these in your life?
Reflect on a time when you tried to "sow seed" in the wrong place or time. What was the outcome? What did you learn?
How does our response to God's leading affect the outcome of our "sowing"?
Pastor Doug said, "Just because you want something doesn't mean you need something." How can we discern between wants and needs in our lives?
How can we discern the right time and place to sow our 'seeds' of time, talent, and treasure in our spiritual lives?
In what ways might our current attitudes or emotional wounds be preventing us from sowing our resources effectively for God's kingdom?
The sermon mentioned that we shouldn't feel condemned by God's word, but convicted. What's the difference? How have you experienced this?
How can we cultivate a "cheerful giver" attitude when it comes to our time, talent, and treasure?
What practical steps can we take to align our use of time, talent, and treasure more closely with God's purposes for our lives?
Practical application—
Right Response Challenge: This week, when God prompts you to give (whether time, talent, or treasure), practice responding with a joyful attitude.
Closing Prayer—
Lord, help us to be wise stewards of the seed You've given us. Guide us to sow in the right places and times, always with a heart that's responsive to Your leading. May we trust You with our time, talent, and treasure, knowing that You can do exponential work through our obedience. Amen.