Seeds of Faith

God's got a word for us today, and it's all about sowing seeds of faith and trusting in His incredible plan for our lives. When we take our time, our talents, and our treasure - all the good things God has entrusted to us - and we pour them into His kingdom, He's going to take those seeds and multiply them beyond our wildest dreams!

I'm talking about the kind of multiplication that makes you go, "God, how did You do that?" The kind of exponential growth that can only come from the hand of our Heavenly Father. See, God's not interested in just adding a little bit of blessing to your life. No, no, no. He wants to take your faith, your obedience, and your generosity, and multiply them into a harvest that will impact generations to come!

But here's the thing, Rust City: sometimes, we've gotta be willing to step out of our comfort zones and trust God, even when the path ahead isn't clear. We've gotta be willing to let go of our security blankets and take a leap of faith, knowing that our Father will catch us every single time.

Just look at Abraham and Sarah. God called them to leave their hometown, their family, and everything they knew, and to trust in His promise to make them a great nation. Now, keep in mind, these folks were no spring chickens. They were pushing 90, and they didn't even have one kid to their name. But God made them a promise, and He was going to keep it.

Can you imagine waiting for ten long years without seeing any sign of God's promise coming to pass? I mean, I start tapping my foot after waiting in line for ten minutes at the grocery store! But Abraham, he had a faith that just wouldn't quit. He kept on believing, kept on trusting, even when the situation looked impossible.

So let me ask you, are you willing to let go of your own plans and agendas for the God-sized dream He's placed in your heart? Even if you can't see the whole picture, even if the road ahead looks foggy, are you willing to take that first step of faith? Because let me tell you, just because you don't see anything happening in the natural realm doesn't mean God's not working overtime behind the scenes.

It reminds me of Abraham, sitting in his tent, surrounded by the stench of sheep and the weight of unfulfilled promises. Sometimes, we find ourselves in similar situations, don't we? We're stuck in the tent of our circumstances, and all we can see is the mess around us. But that's when we need God to take us outside, to show us the stars, to remind us that His plans are higher than our plans, and His ways are higher than our ways.

I think about my own journey, how I gave my life to Christ at 18 in a little country church that was built five or six decades ago. Those faithful men and women who poured their hearts into building that house of worship, they never had a clue that a lost, broken teenager named Doug would one day walk through those doors and find his way back to the Father's embrace. But God knew. He had a plan all along.

And the same is true for you. When you say yes to Jesus, when you start sowing your time, your talents, and your treasure into His kingdom, God has a whole lineage of people in mind who will be forever changed by your faithfulness. The seeds you sow today, the sacrifices you make, the prayers you pray - they're not just for you. They're for the generations to come, for the countless lives that will be impacted because you chose to trust God's plan.

So if you're here today, and you've been running on empty, trying to navigate this life on your own strength, I want to invite you to surrender it all to Jesus. Just pray a simple prayer, something like this: "Jesus, I'm giving You the keys to my life. I'm making You the Lord of my heart. Forgive me, clean me up from the inside out, and give me a brand new start." And then, get plugged into the church, get connected with a community of believers who will love you, support you, and cheer you on as you grow in your faith.

Because here's the thing: when we start sowing our seeds of faith, when we trust in God's plan even when it doesn't make a lick of sense to our finite minds, He's going to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask, think, or imagine. We won't even be able to count the blessings! They'll be pouring out like a flood, like a mighty river of God's goodness and favor.

So keep sowing. Keep believing. Keep taking those steps of faith, even when the world tells you it's crazy. Keep investing your time, your talents, and your treasure into the kingdom of God. And watch as He takes your seeds and multiplies them into a harvest that will leave you speechless, a harvest that will impact lives for eternity.

I believe that as we sow our seeds of faith, as we trust in God's plan and purpose for our lives, we're going to see miracles happen. We're going to see prodigal sons and daughters come home. We're going to see broken marriages restored. We're going to see addictions broken and chains shattered. We're going to see a revival sweep through our city like never before.

But it all starts with a seed. It all starts with a step of faith, a decision to trust God even when we can't trace His hand. So let's be a church that sows extravagantly, that gives generously, and that trusts God with reckless abandon. Let's be a church that's not content to just sit in our tents and complain about our circumstances, but one that's willing to step outside and look up at the stars, to dream God-sized dreams and believe for the impossible.

Because when we do that, Rust City, when we align our hearts with God's heart and our plans with His purpose, there's no limit to what He can do through us. We'll be a part of a story that's bigger than ourselves, a story that will echo through eternity.

So come on, Rust City, let's sow our seeds of faith like never before! Let's trust God with every fiber of our being and watch as He multiplies our obedience into a harvest that will shake the very foundations of hell. Let's be the church He's called us to be - a light in the darkness, a city on a hill, a people who are sold out for His kingdom and His glory.

The best is yet to come, Rust City. The best is yet to come. So let's keep sowing, keep believing, and keep trusting in the God who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. Amen? Amen!

-Doug Garasic


T U N E I N S U N D A Y ‘ S
S T R E A M I N G A T 1 0 : 1 5 A M

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