Oct 27 2024
The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.
You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.
If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.
What’s your go-to comfort food?
Political people
Psalm 20:7, Romans 14:1 , Philippians 1:27
Key Takeaways—
A new type of "relational vampire" has emerged: the political vampire. Defined as people who aggressively push their political views and drain others' energy.
Pastor Doug emphasizes the importance of trusting in God above political parties, loving people on all sides of issues, and representing Christ rather than partisan symbols.
When you put all your trust in a political party, you're revealing where you put your worship.
We are called to represent Christ (the Lamb) rather than political parties (donkey or elephant).
We should conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel, regardless of political outcomes.
Discussion Questions—
How can we show love and respect to those with different political views while still standing firm in our convictions?
What does it mean to you to "represent the Lamb, not a donkey or an elephant"?
How can we be "refreshers" rather than "rebukers" in our political conversations?
In what ways can we expand our "grid" to better understand and empathize with others' perspectives?
How can we maintain our trust in God when political issues and outcomes seem overwhelming or disappointing?
How can we balance having strong political convictions while still showing love and respect to those who disagree with us?
What does it mean to be an 'ambassador of Jesus' in today's polarized political climate?
Reflect on areas of your life where you might be relying too heavily on worldly solutions or political ideologies. How can you shift your focus to trust more fully in God's sovereignty and care?
What are some practical ways we can 'conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel' during election seasons?
Practical Application—
Daily Declarations: Adapt Pastor Doug's car declarations for your own life. Create a set of positive affirmations that remind you of your identity in Christ and your purpose as His ambassador.
“I am strong. I am kind. I will listen and I will learn. I will be person of God and a star student even if no-one is noticing. My mind is open, my heart is ready, I will have a great day and have fun.”
Closing Prayer—
Lord, help us to be ambassadors of Your kingdom in this politically charged world. Give us wisdom to navigate difficult conversations with grace and love. Remind us daily that our trust is in You alone, not in any earthly power or party. May we conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel, representing You well in all we do and say. In Jesus' name, Amen.