Nov 3 2024
The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.
You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.
If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why?
The Power of Baptism and Daily Surrender
Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:5-7, Romans 12:2
Key Takeaways—
Baptism is an outward declaration of an internal change in a believer's life.
Jesus set the example for baptism, showing its importance for all believers.
Baptism symbolizes dying to our old sinful ways and being resurrected to new life in Christ.
We are called to daily "die" to sin and live for Christ, not just at baptism.
God loves us as His children, regardless of our past or what we've done.
Discussion Questions—
1. What stood out to you most from this week’s sermon about baptism? Why?
2. How does Jesus' baptism, despite being sinless, set an example for us, and what does this reveal about the nature of obedience in our faith?
3. What does it mean to you that God was 'well pleased' with Jesus before He had performed any miracles or started His ministry?
4. Have you been baptized? If so, share your experience. If not, what questions or hesitations do you have about baptism?
5. How does the concept of baptism as a 'death to our old sinful ways' and 'resurrection into new life' challenge or inspire you in your personal faith journey?
6. How can we apply the idea of 'dying to our old sinful ways' on a daily basis, beyond the one-time act of baptism?
7. Romans 12:2 was referenced: "Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." How do you see this playing out in your daily life?
8. In what ways might we be tempted to 'conform to the patterns of this world,' and how can we actively work to renew our minds instead?
9. Pastor Tiff encouraged those feeling a "tug" to get baptized not to let doubt or fear hold them back. Have you ever experienced God prompting you to take a step of faith? How did you respond?
Practical Application—
Reflect on areas in your life where you might be conforming to the world rather than being transformed by Christ. Share with a trusted friend or accountability partner.
Closing Prayer—
Father, thank You for this time together. Continue Your transforming work in each of us, renewing our minds and guiding us daily. Give us the courage to follow Your leading and live out the new life You’ve called us to. In Jesus’ name, Amen."