Rust City Church

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Oct 20 2024

The heart of a Rust City Group is to care for people and carry the culture of Rust City Church.

You don’t have to follow this guide like a script! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit as you lead your group discussion.

If you notice that someone in your group needs additional care or support that’s beyond your capacity, please let a pastor know.


What’s a movie or TV show you’ve recently binge-watched?

Needy people



Acts 3:2-8, Mark 1:35-36, Galatians 6:7-8

Key Takeaways—

  • Pastor Doug explored how we, as followers of Jesus, can respond to those who constantly seek our help without enabling unhealthy behavior.

  • We need to learn how to give strategically, serve wisely, and trust God completely when dealing with needy people.

  • The sermon emphasized the importance of balancing our desire to help others with the need for wisdom and self-care, all while trusting God completely with the outcomes.

  • We should aim to give people a "hand up" rather than a constant "hand out," discerning between those who want to improve their situation and those who may be taking advantage of our kindness

  • Like Jesus, who took time to pray and recharge, we need to recognize our limitations and ensure we're spiritually filled before pouring out to others.

  • Trust God completely: Remember that we're not responsible for solving everyone's problems. Sometimes, allowing people to face consequences is part of God's plan for their growth.

Discussion Questions—

1. Have you ever encountered a "needy" person in your life? How did you handle the situation?

2. How can we discern between giving someone a 'hand up' versus a 'hand out', and what are the potential long-term impacts of each approach?

3. Jesus took time to pray and be alone. Why is this important when dealing with needy people? How can we apply this to our own lives?

4. How can we discern between genuinely helping someone and enabling their negative behavior?

5. Pastor Doug said, "Rescuing isn't always helping." What are your thoughts on this statement? Can you think of situations where this might be true?

6. How can we balance showing love and compassion with setting healthy boundaries?

7. The sermon emphasized trusting God completely with the outcomes. Why is this challenging when dealing with needy people, especially loved ones?

8. Reflect on how you can discern between giving a "hand out" versus a "hand up" in your relationships. How might God be calling you to offer something more transformative than temporary relief?

Practical Application—

Set aside daily time for prayer and reflection, following Jesus' example. Use this time to "fill your cup" so you can better serve others.

Closing Prayer—

Lord, give us wisdom in dealing with the needy people in our lives. Help us to love them as You do, while also maintaining healthy boundaries. Teach us to trust You completely with the outcomes, knowing that You are the ultimate source of healing and transformation. Amen.